Smiling like I just solved turbulence... but secretly wondering if anyone noticed my hands shaking. 🎓 #PhDDefenseDay #17.12.2019
Thank you for stopping by! I’m just a humble turbulence wrangler at the German Aerospace Center (brace yourself: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt—good luck pronouncing that without sounding like you’re in a movie). I specialize in turbulence and aeroacoustics, which is just a fancy way of saying I spend my time making air behave… or at least trying to.
Feel free to check out my research group’s page here for more turbulence-related adventures! 🚀
Figure: Dynamics of vortex injection, turbulence, and noise emission around an airfoil.
📄 Efficient Prediction of Turbulent Inflow and Leading-Edge Interaction Noise Using a Vortex Particle Method
Figure: Contours of the normalized streamwise mean velocity.
Fluctuating Pressure Around NACA0012 Airfoil
My primary research interests focus on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA). Key areas include:
Generating turbulent inflow using Gaussian-profile vortices.
2D Euler equations solver using a Lagrangian approach.
Directivity pattern of sound pressure around an airfoil.
For a comprehensive list of my publications, download my CV.
Here are a few highlights:
📄 Stochastic Modelling of Leading-Edge Noise in Time-Domain Using Vortex Particles
Feel free to explore my research and reach out if you’re interested in collaborations or have questions about my work!